A mild alternative to low-dosed cortisone

Wild Hamamelis exerts a beneficial effect on skin and scalp diseases

The indigenous inhabitants of the East Coast of the USA have known it for a long time: Hamamelis growing in the wild is effective in all kinds of skin disease. Controlled treatment, for instance in the consultation of Professor Ralph Trüeb, formerly of the dermatological clinic of University Hospital Zurich, confirm this for an increasingly wider range of applications.

In case of sensitive scalp, itching, dandruff, burning, as well as for psoriasis and atopic eczema and various forms of inflammation, eczema and dry skin, the medicinal plant Hamamelis, originating in ethnomedicine, has proven its value. The inclusion of distilled Hamamelis in the US pharmacopoeia shows that it is no longer only adepts of ‘natural medicine’ that are convinced of the healing virtues of the magic shrub Hamamelis virginiana.

Quality, however, is a decisive factor. Industrial Hamamelis distillate contains only a limited amount of active principles, whereas Hamamelis from plants growing in the wild presents a high content of active substances and micronutrients and exerts the same effect as a low-dosed cortisone preparation, as confirmed by the experience gained in Germany and Switzerland.

Efficacious in case of sensitive scalp

Patients with hair loss and alopecia often complain about scalp problems. The symptoms of sensitive scalp such as itching, burning and tension sensations appear after the application of hair growth lotions, and are due to the irritating and drying effect of these products. Chemical hair treatments and their sequels – especially after long-term application of cortisone containing topicals – and medicinal shampoos are also causes of these unpleasant irritations.

Over the counter

For the treatment of the scalp, the skin of the entire body and of the face, dermatologists recommend products such as Erol by Apomedica. The beneficial effect of the different skin and hair products is due to the special Hamamelis obtained from wild sources, that is guaranteed not to contain any pesticide residues. The good tolerance of all products is also due to the complete absence of parabens and cocamidopropyl betaine. They are available at chemists and in pharmacies.